Payment methods:

We accept major credit cards & Paypal in our shopping cart.

Shipping methods:

We normally ship domestically via USPS or UPS. We try to figure the most cost effective shipping method for your location.  

Internationally, we utilize USPS almost exclusively. See below for international shipping information.

Contact us if you require a specialized arrangement for shipping.

Shipping costs:

All orders will have flat rate of $12.50 added at checkout. We are happy to refund any shipping overpayments.

To our International Customers,

Thank you for choosing Mostly Bears! We appreciate your business very much and would like to work with you to fulfill orders with ease and grace.

Because our shopping cart is not equipped to add shipping costs for international orders, we will have to bill you separately for this charge.

If you would like to determine shipping charges for a particular item prior to purchase, please email us at and we can dialogue regarding methods/costs, etc.

We have successfully shipped to every continent and try to be as fair as possible. We can sometimes split the shipping charges with you, which translates into a pretty nice savings for you. 

Many countries assess charges after the package goes through your customs office. Unfortunately, Mostly Bears has no control over these charges and sometimes they can be quite cost-prohibitive, so please inform yourself as to your individual responsibility for incoming customs charges and taxes prior to purchase. It will no doubt save you some headaches and "sticker shock" at the time of delivery.

We always declare and insure full value. We have made it a firm practice never to "devalue" or "mark as gift" any purchased item, as firstly it's against the law to do so and secondly, if we declare a lesser value on an item we can only insure that lower value.

We wish you "Happy Bear Collecting" and thank you in advance for choosing Mostly Bears. Your business is greatly appreciated.

